How to Order

Take-Out or Delivery
Our standard delivery fee is $3.99 from any chosen restaurant(s). Minimum orders are required for most delivery orders. The delivery fee does not include gratuity for the driver.
To order Take-Out, click the order option bar at the top that has the address/date and time of the delivery, then change from "Delivery" to "Take-Out". (Take-Out is only available for select restaurants)
Delivery Time
Average delivery time is 30 minutes to 1 hour. Delivery times vary based on traffic, the restaurant's ability to prepare food and weather conditions.
Forms of Payment
We accept Cash, Visa, Master Card, American Express, & Discover. We do not currently accept personal checks.
Office Lunches
We specialize in group lunch deliveries and drop off catering. Please contact our Catering Manager for more information.